Saturday, September 11, 2010

Status quo.

It amazes me we like everything to stay the same, stay within our comfort zone and yet at the same time, we're trying to push for changes.

The phrase "Changes for the better" has been one of my favorite ever since I knew of it, but it doesn't explain the irony of the subject.

We want things around us to stay the same. That's definitely felt by everyone in almost all aspects of our life. We want our tables to look the same, tidy or not. We want the people in our lifes to stay the same, friends who we are always comfortable with to remain that way, family matters to stay the same, and not much complications. For one single complication in any part of our lifes irritates us.

Just like how our desk may have been touched, shifted, re-arranged by someone without our knoweledge. Similarly to people, we don't like it if suddenly a best friend got a girlfriend/boyfriend and disappears on us. We feel irritated and probably start using colorful language on him/her.

While all that makes perfect sense, the irony is where we want changes in our lifes. We want to re-organize our desks so that it looks neater, its more conducive and productive. For work or studies. We want to make more friends, friends that are deemed as desirable by the society, either by popularity, wealth or something valuable. We want to be friends with them. We want a lover, a boyfriend/girlfriend, someone we can do things to that we can't for most friends.

So in essence, we want changes in our lifes, for the better. Yet adore the status quo.

According to my english teacher, the term "irony" shouldn't be used here. Because ironies are not solvable, while this actually is. If we even bother to look from another angle.

You may have already got it if you read the above paragraphs carefully with a keen mind. Those changes that we despise, that go against the status quo we enjoy...

Are uncontrolled.

They go without us knowing first-hand, without us exerting our influence on the matter. And we despise it. Instead, changes that we can control, changes that we want to implement are those that we figure out away to do it. Every step are supervised by us, ourself.

Which is why it doesn't make us feel uncomfortable and revolting. People have said that the only constant in this world is change. While I don't disagree with it, I don't think its perfectly true either. So an essence of it is definitely true. And that is the world is always changing because everyone seek changes. Consciously or not. We want them. As a result, the world we live in are full of them.

There probably is no way to stop changes from happening, only how to control them. And I'm still stumbled upon that question and wish to find an answer. Hopefully I will, when I grow out of this protective shell of home and enter the cold, cruel society.

For afterall, all my views are from a naive, protected mind.

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