Thursday, February 10, 2011

Watching a lot of korean dramas(KDrama) recently. And apparently their catch point, or their appeal factor, is those touching scenes where they want their audience to cry.

Pardon my bluntless and lack of tact in expressing that point. But yea, they want the audience to be as emotionally involved as the characters, with preferably tears overflowing.

Now knowing this point, this "motive" of the producers and KDrama makers, and being the egoistic, arrogant me, I decided I'm above them and are not going to fall for it. So suddenly I find myself rejecting the tears. I hold them back, I suppressing my feelings.

And surprise surprise. I don't feel exactly comfortable.

Now that I think of it, isn't this just like how life is? To standby what we know, what we think is correct, more often than not we need to suppress our feelings. Its happens in our everyday life.

As a student, playtime always appeal to us more. Our heart wants it, our brains say no, we need to study. I bet every student had at least had this struggle a few thousands times in their "career". After all, when we force ourselves to study, good results may be reaped, but at that moment in time, we're unhappy.

In work, many a times we need to look at things objectively and forgo personal feelings. Unfortunately we all know that is not easy to do. It is especially apparent in careers like the police, where law and justice stands before feelings for friends or family.

We should all know how to control our hormones. But the truth is, we feel better when our hormones control us.

Even if its for that short period.

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