Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Are you lonely because of a certain one-way love? In many a times perhaps you want to say 'don't love me', i'm not worth it. Yet other times you just wish to know so much more than you unknowingly turned into a stalker. Be a benign, harmless one. Because truthfully that one extra piece of information feels like a massage on your mind's shoulders, makes you feel fuzzy and satisfied. And probably why you keep doing it. You know you have to stay away, yet your heart beckons you ever closer, towards that pair of lips with its bright red lipstick. Falling, further and further is where you go, yet gravity is hardly the main concern. When you realise it one day, perhaps you'll go O.M.G. but till then, just like tonight, life goes on, hurt doesn't stop, and neither would time.

Love & Hate.
Because a story is a story, regardless of when or where it came from.

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