Saturday, June 21, 2014

Trouble trouble trouble.

Maybe I could appreciate some of Taylor's Swift's feelings now. Just like how you could feel it, on another level, trouble walking it.

Call it the sixth sense, call it intuition, the name doesn't matter, what matters is that nagging feeling that something wrong is about to happen, and if your will is strong enough, only if your will is strong enough, may you be allowed the chance to past it without harm.

I don't have a strong will.

So it goes back to that awkward. At the end of the day, humans are but animals, driven by primary instinct I guess. If you force people to spend time together long enough, perhaps they would eventually crave for one another.

Doesn't help when trouble comes from the past unforgotten, drives past today un-forgiven, into the tomorrow un-forgivingly.

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