Monday, January 21, 2008

Days I've been through.

I've watched Le Grand Chef!!! Woo! Long time since I watched a movie. The last one was 'secret' i think. THINK. I am not too sure myself. But that's as far as i can get.

Personally, think its quite a good movie with quite a good storyline. However, it is also a movie that is watched with disastrous effects such as a huge pain felt in the neck due to sitting in the second row. Great. Its all my fault.

And its all under
-low profile business-

Sometimes i think that that makes people even more interested. Hmmz. Maybe? It doesn't matter anyway. Haha.

Had a busy day on sunday! Unexpectedly busy due to the morning chores. Great. Then had to spend time doing up card(s) for BigBird because its her birthday TODAY.

Long time since i wrote anything inside cards. But well, i think I've never really written anything anyway(inside cards). So first time crapped so much and added a letter. Its like wow? Cards do have space! For me to create more space that is. HAHAHA. Not bad sia, i can be interior designer. I thought the card was quite creative =P.

However, when it comes to sincerity, i think the best way to show it is true DIY ba. Though it might not look as nice as those in the market. Sincerity would be felt anyway. If its really damn good, wa, I think the recipient going to cry liao. LOL.

I've been mocking people for quite long already and apparently, I just can't stop!!! Hahahahaha... Mocking people all the time isn't quite a good habit. But its still a habit. So bear with it =P. I will still feel guilty de okay?

Choir was FUNFUNFUN. The famous 'miss yee's creed' has finally spread to PHS! There has been many versions of it of various schools, and erm, we're the fourth school! Should I be proud? Hmmz.

You can watch the video by researching it in youtube. I'm too lazy to find the link. So too bad. Find yourself. But don't be surprised if you see wilson licking his shoe and saying 'I LOVE MISS YEE!'. HAHAHAHA.

Oh shit, there i go, mocking again. Crap.

And last but not least...
with my standard procedure of wishing...


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