Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Erikson's psycho-social stages

In young adulthood, people face a challenge of intimacy vs isolation.

It is often described as a fork in the road where if successful, leads to the path with the more desirable outcome. However if the wrong path taken, less than ideal outcomes would often surface, which in this case is obviously the result of isolation.

It can be thought of in a way that people at this age group requires some form of identity and intimacy already formed. Without which, what often entails is the constant feelings or loneliness and isolation. It isn't so much so that they can't find intimacy anymore but more like they suddenly realise, rather painstakingly that maybe isolation suits them better. Even if the realisation is misguided.

How would they then get out of this cycle?

I have no idea, since I probably require the answer too.

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