Friday, July 27, 2007

Its Friday again.

Yay! Today is friday again, a day most people would most probably look forward to. And so i think most of the people are wishing school ended quickly so they can go home sleep/slack/play. Well, as usual, im always looking forward to a school day and wish to absorb as much knowledge as possible, which is 1 of the reasons you never see me sleeping in class =P.

Stepped into school with my usual killer aura... Lol? Perhaps im just pure scary. Anyway, i was kind of surprised when i saw her sitting in the canteen bench when its like so damn early in the morning? Apparently she's scared of being late again... After all, she was late on monday,tuesday,thursday. So perhaps she's scared she will get Detention Class if she's ever late again. haha. Maths was er half fun half hard? Cause i wasn't paying attention(full attention). Was singing as usual =P. And so when i tried to tackle the problems, they caused problems. Lol

Biology test was better than i thought. I couldn't study at all thanks to the ever-flowing mucus and the ever-flowing tears. I caught a damn cold the night before a biology test. Zzzz. But guessed i did not too badly, my brains could dig something up in the archives... Think can get at least a 17/25? Maybe 15? Must at least have a 'B'. Failing is not an option.

Choir practice is SPECIAL. We had to sing in the house of god... Thanks to the examination that made the technical block out of bounds... It was abit like VCH... The sound just fly all the way up up up ^^^ and then if you used the headvoice often... It sounds damn nice... So the sopranos benefit the most =P. But the only bad thing is its SPARSE and HUGE and BIG. And the benches are in a squary format instead of the curvy 'U's that most choirs and bands sit in. So the voice was a bit hard.

Clarence came to play snooker, so i had to take the key for him, when i went up, the choir peeps followed. And when jerome and Clarence play like 3 games... We finally finished one... Haiz, maybe im just too noob man. And then super luckily never got scolded although i was late to return the keys... Haha, the uncles are nice people!!!

People who are talkative listen more than they talk
or not where would they find subjects to talk about?

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