Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lost $$$ at Mr.Robin's house!!! Hahaha!

In my last attempt to recoup all my losses, when it was a double or nothing... It turned out to be nothing )_( Hahaha. That's the thing with blackjack. You MIGHT already have the mental preparedness to lose $x amount. Then somehow you still can lose $2x. Wth )_(

Oh well. The festive season of Lunar New Year might not be ending anytime soon, but life goes on and tomorrow we're gonna back in school! Lucky tomorrow no Bio tutorial o.0 Haven't do yet xD.

And I still owe Ms Ng homework that I sincerely tried to do but just can't do it -.-

I'll just be thankful that my hardly functioning computer is still functioning. Lol. A little corny there but whatever.

In the past, my brother used to push the blame to me when our computer spoiled, claiming that I either visit malicious sites or R-rated ones. And since its like every half a year before my computer popped up with some problem, I could never escape the blame.

Then now thinking back, to those days where my computer spoiled SO EASILY because there were mutiple users and now where it hasn't spoiled for like don't know how long already when there's only been ONE user(This sentence is so long that if you were to write it in your essay you would get stoned by your english/GP teacher/tutor). I kinda figured out something ^^

Yeah, so my conclusion was!!! I wasn't the one who spoils my computer!!! Because its still functioning. Hehe.

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