Friday, April 16, 2010

Honestly, I don't give a damn about how high other school's percentage 'A's are... Really.

I got an 'A' for Project Work. I'm satisfied. I'm happy. That's all.

So don't give me the "Get 'A' big deal arh? Lots of people get 'A' leh!". Who cares?

Regretfully Team YJC lost to ACS(International) yesterday. Till now, I believe its a regrettable lost. The guys are dejected. More than what they should be. We have people that witnessed many losses of the previous batches of Team YJCs, we have people who actually participated, and contributed to the losses.

So why the hell are they so sad?

This isn't the first time they lost. They isn't the first time they've got trashed. This isn't the first time things didn't work out on the court. This isn't the first time the ball just refuses to go into the basket.

But they looked as if we lost the finals when we shouldn't.


Don't they understand that its not over? Sure, its a bad predicament that we're now stuck in. But is it over? No. Nothing's final.

Maybe the win over NJC got into our heads. Let this be a wake-up call. We're in a compeition. Every game is a critical game for a team like us. We loosen up, slacken down one minute. We're done for.

And yet today while coach was talking...

I couldn't lift my eyes off them. His hand on her back. Definitely not over the shoulder, they know too well that they gotta behave themselves. They know all too well that they should be low-profile.

I won't even try to hide it. I'm jealous. Big time. I can't get over it. Period.

But instead of feeling sour like I should, I feel bitter.


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