Friday, April 09, 2010

Parent-Teacher Dialogue(PTD).

It has always been my personal philosophy to separate the two.. Like with a barrier or something. I always liked it when they have minimal contact.

Just let me tank everything la. Inform them for what. I'd responsible. I won't run from it anyway.

So expectedly the conversations weren't very positive. They were focusing on my bad points, which is typical so I don't really blame them... But please keep your extrapolation to yourselves? Yes you can expect of me to do well. But I'm not the studying type like you all like to think I am. I sorry.

Yeah that's what I hate about PTD.

Teachers always like to say one freaking point.
"If he studies and makes the effort he'll definitely do well". But I think Ms Ng's one is like epic. (Direct english translation) "Oh, I've never once doubt that he wouldn't get his straight As if he puts in the effort".


A ton just fell on my shoulders. Nice one.

Oh oh, and that all had one common point. Me playing basketball. HAHA. Exaggerated versions include seeing me playing basketball early in the morning 3-4 times A WEEK. Whilst the general saying is that I'm pretty energised during ball time and not during lesson time...

Haha. Too bad =P.

And they're on pretty concerned about when A div's ending so I can quickly get back on my feet for studying. Hmmz. I'm wishing it drags on cause that'll imply that we're getting further and further!!!

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