Sunday, March 07, 2010

Getting down and emotional with people these days.

Well I enjoyed it, not sarcastically, but really, hearing other's point of view, their story, their emotions. I can feel, appreciate and understand. Maybe not THAT much on the understand part. But yea, it gives me a feeling, a motivation to myself that my existence is justified.

Even if its not for myself.

I'll live.

Dealt a huge blow, living with it. Well its my theory to live with it if I can't change it anyway. And I totally hate the fact that I can't change it.

Or can I?

Makes me wonder.

I like the direction things are going so far. Workload large, but invisible, bball making me sad, but still enjoyable.

If I call exactly at the time I said I would, would you pick up?
Your heart sank and so did mine
I wanna know but I don't wanna ask.

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