Sunday, March 21, 2010


Sometimes its awesome, sometimes its not. To some its great, to some its not.

Supposed to be visiting vegetable farm today. Went there and it rained, and rained, and rained -.- So we couldn't really look around. But did saw some interesting plants like MALE PAPAYA TREES ^^

They bore the flowers, the females bear the fruit.

Don't know which teacher tell me flowers, after fertilised, develops into fruits. Throw that knowledge away man.

So never trust whatever knowledge that comes to you 100%. Have the benefit of the doubt.

AND AND AND, I saw the LIVE cotton plant! WITH cotton! Wa uber cute, I mean, its unbelivable that cotton is SERIOUSLY produced by plants la. It feels more like, a silkworm product to me. Haha. Me and my small world )_(.

One more thing. Aloe vera is POISONOUS. I totally never knew that. Only the thin film of yellow sap though, but isn't it AMAZING? Hahaha. Okay sua ku ttm.

Had a simple potting class where they let us plant pandan, etc. Simple plants that you could take care of at home. But to me it kinda raised an issue.

Aren't we taking life too simple? Like, if its wasn't plants(that wouldn't show you its pain immediately), but animals that squirm when you mistreat them, would YOU dare to play around with them?

Kind of reminds me of the mealworms that I picked and the frog I dissected.

Oh well, cyanide told me people die fast if they think too much, I guess I'm dying soon )_(.

Mondays' the start of the block tests so I'll go get a haircut and try to buy a sweater/jacket/hoodie tomorrow =). So no studying too ^^

I'm building a world of magic, cause my real life is tragic.

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