Saturday, June 28, 2008


So many things had passed which i last blogged. Major things, minor things. Somethings it really feels that the law of relativity is something wrong. It doesn't seem to feel that everything's relative to each other.

It feels more like a living in each's world.

Perhaps time is the only thing common about all of us. Then again, what is time? A scientist would tell u its the period of the oscillation of the caesium-133 atom. So an oscillation is just left-right, left-right.

Simple as that and it is something we can never get rid of, perhaps until we rest in peace. Funny it is, none of the physics law insisted that time couldn't be in reverse. For example, velocity, its displacement over time. Displacement could be negative here, no one stated that time couldn't.

Once, i watched a documentary and the scientist did various tests with time. The simplest and basic is of course by living in a cave for like 2 months without a stream of sunlight. Even though the waking up and sleeping time is different, meals were more or less based within a certain pattern.

Which was already something quite awesome as there obviously weren't clocks to ensure that the scientist have no idea what time is it outside. Then it was discovered that 'Time', is actually inside you and me. It is part of us, like all of the other organs.

Something that's shared by every single human. It makes me wonder if ants and rats have different time than humans. After all, time is just a chemical reaction produced by the brain.

Scientists love conducting experiments, I'm sure that's no surprise to anyone, so they had this experiment where a guy is supposed to measure the period of time the green light is on. The big big machine u see measuring people's brain would be there to detect which part of the brain was working most vigorously when timing the green light.

The conclusion of the experiment was simple. Certain parts of the brain released chemicals to another part of the brain, which are of separate distances of the chemical releasing part. The difference in time between each chemical that 'bounces' back is time. Simple as that.

I think not many would agree with me on the simplicity of the matter though. Haha. I'm sure some would think this is CHEEEEEEM.

But let me just put it this way, instead of using sound like the bats do for echo, we use chemicals. Its the same logic. Just like that.

If u watched dramas or read oftenly, I'm sure you would encounter parts of the story where the character met a car accident or something life-Threatening. Often, when the character meets the accident, time slows down, its as if they could see everything clearly because time was moving slower.

But apparently its pretty useless since they're dying anyway.

Just Joking.

In order to investigate this reasoning, scientist actually went to replicate a life-threatening situation. They made someone jump from a metal tower wearing a special watch. Of course they are hardness and safety nets involved, but the height the guy jumped from is like from the height of a tall building that people used to commit suicide.

My point is, the height that is not under safety limits found in theme parks.

And this watch is just a simple gadget that blinks a number so fast that you won't be able to see it with your eyes, whether you are a genius or not. Seriously. So the test is to see if the guy could see the blinking digits when he 'commits suicide'. Lol.

Sure enough, he sees half of it. Like if the number was '16', he would say something like '15', because from the digit form, its very similiar. If its a '48', he would see '43' or something like that. Digitally similar digits. Haha.

*Note, the following conclusion were made personally. The above conclusions were made by scientists and some by me. Differentiate yourself.

According to the above experiments, here are a few key points i discovered with this important sector in our life known as 'time'.

Firstly, time is omnipresence, HOWEVER, it is made by the human brain, which opens up the possibility that the brains of rats create their own time that have no link with the oscillation of the caesium-133 atom. Lol.

As time is created by the brain, it is therefore also controlled by the brain, which continues the explanation that time actually slows down when we meet life-threantening situations. My hypothesis is that upon life-threantening situations, the brain uses a last resort to try to save the body.

Which is obviously slowing down time. Then leads me to thinking(sorry arh i think too much) that if such a technique is able to be applied to real life, perhaps 'The matrix' might be possible. It might just be a technique the computer uses to slow time so that bullets feel like bees charging at you rather than a metal pin flying so fast u can't even see it.

Prelims are coming, control your time! Haha.