Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Its like a rose, with many promises of good things. Beauty? I don't think so, but just something we can't do without, or we thought we can't do without. The second we grab it, we feel the thorns, penetrating the skin, piercing the flesh. We feel the blood, some trickling a long stream of red, others joining to form a river. Had we knew this was going to happen, would we have grabbed the rose a first chance? I don't know. All I know is that, the thorns are still there, I am still holding the rose, and the senses are starting to dull the effects. Maybe one day the fingers will numb enough to ignore the pain, but I know for sure, the second I picked up the rose, that I would never put it down again.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The past few days has been an eye opener. Rather than a "interesting look to a new world" kind of thing, it was actually a forced "open your eyes now, ignorant" experience. For the past many years, I was contend with not knowing about the world. Current affairs, government policies, changes in the real world. I didn't need to know them. And so I did not know them. However, with the recent events where suddenly everything is relevant, everything needs to be known. I can't help but feel that the sudden cultural change is overbearing. I can't seem to adapt to these new circumstances when in the past I could cruise such things easily. Have I become weaker? Or has the competition thinned to such an extent that every other person is at least as good as me? How then, am I supposed to survive?