Thursday, April 28, 2011


If what you say isn't what others want to hear, nothing will get through.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Only when the accused desired the undesired outcome would blaming be acceptable.

Many a times we point fingers, even if its accurate, we do not stand in their shoes and realise they don't want it to happen either. For in our point of view, their mistake resulted in my loss, when I didn't make any mistake. Therefore they are wrong and we are right.

In life this situation happen all the time. A weak team member in any organisation easily fall victim to such unfairness. The incapability of one, should have been considered before any action is taken. When the incapability of one results in the failure of a project, why blame him/her? He/she didn't want it to happen either, whoever released the leash should have considered the dog's behavior, in the most crude sense.

Now putting in this way seems like the one who released the leash is at fault. But then again, he/she probably didn't want it to happen either. We often fail to see that a failure, isn't a one step thing. It is an accumulation of mistakes, negligence by different parties different people that overall causes things to fail.

While not as obvious in reality, it is made inevitable apparent in games that require planning. I once heard the saying, or something similar to the meaning of "One only wins in chess when the other makes a mistake." Only with small mistakes would we eventually crumble. Yet mistakes are inevitably made by people everyday.

How then, are we supposed to face every situation, the right way?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Life taught me some lessons.

1. Thinking too much does not get you anywhere.
In the battle of waterloo, Napolean hestitated to attack even though he had the larger army, just so the afternoon sun could dry up the battleground to favor the usage of cannons, which he so loved thanks to his family history. Unfortunately, the delay in time allowed the enemy's reinforcements to arrive and subsequently, as we all know, ends a chapter in history's book.

2. Not thinking enough does not get you anywhere.
Personally I don't think there is a need to further elaborate this, since from young, we were educated to think before we act, plan everyday meticulously, think out procedure as detailed as possible.

3. After reading the above, first you will 1, then 2. and end up with 3. Which is life gets you nowhere. It would be better to not think about this problem =).