Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sometimes when people disappoint us too much, we become blind to sincerity, and sceptical to everything others put in front of us. We begin to suspect if any good or kind intentions are true, and not hypocritic.

We begin to suspect, the very move itself, as one having an ulterior motive.

Used to being cast aside, one would not enjoy being the center of attention. Similarly, I felt really uncomfortable. Its probably a really kind note, or one intented with motives. But right now, all I think about, is why.

Why the move, why not stay remain as usual. We'll all get used to it someday anyways.


I'm feeling guilty for suspecting. But not enough to let down my guard. The hurt will develop ways to protect himself/herself. I am of no exception.

After all, I'm just a naive, small little person living in this precarious world I've yet to take my first step out to.

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