Monday, January 31, 2011

Don't be mean to others if you don't want others to be mean to you. Treat others nicely if you want them to treat you nicely.

Then why can't I just be default mean and be nice only when I want others to treat me nicely? We all know the world doesn't work that way, and yet we do not find a suitable reason why the world defies our theory in certain cases.

I guess it all traces down to the instant gratification problem that most of us modern people able to operate a keyboard have. We start to do things only with expectation of equivalent benefits.

Yet somewhere in our minds, we know that is wrong. That would not happen. Why do we only expect good things to happen to us? Why do we always think of ourselves first? Sometimes I really blame the survival instinct, animal instincts that lie deep down. For we cannot erase it, in certain times, are well-guided by it, yet it others, misled by it.

Some call it trustable intuition, others rely solely on it.

How horrible, is this double-edged sword that cuts us along with our enemies. For in life, we cannot hurt others, without hurting ourselves first. We won't know how it is best to harm, if we were never harmed.

Which is why, the most innocent, is everyone, in the few minutes of our life.


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