Tuesday, April 02, 2013

People often like to share stories of great people. Great men and women that had displayed exceptional behavior, intelligence or moral values. They are, most of the time, meant to be inspiring, so we, as average human beings, would be inspired to do well, or just better. Somehow I often feel depressed when seeing them. How amazing they seem to be able to go through life and come out ahead. Media seems to convey to us that each and every one of us has something special, that perhaps we've yet to discover. But they, just like us, not know where or how to find it. Greatness? Born with it, or discovered from within? I guess I'll never know. And I'll never seem to fail to remind myself how, irregardless of how great people may be, I'm still just the simple average me. To be better than me is no longer to be me, yet it is the me I would aspire to be.

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