Sunday, May 09, 2010


Sometimes, I'm too nice because I think of the other person too much. Too much considerations that I held myself back, only to regret it later on. Or regret it immediately by ignoring those considerations.

Other times, I'm just pure mean because I don't think of the other person at all. No consideration of how the person(s) will feel. To some, I just let myself loose, I don't be careful around them, ignoring their feelings.

Really, its like I'm a two-faced man. Some bipolar disorder or something. But more likely its because of the closeness of the person to me.

I wonder why, but some people, even though we clearly are friends, I couldn't care much about them. Shoot them down relentlessly without offence. And others, whom of which don't even exchanges words with me, I am consciously helping them to the best of my ability without them knowing. I shun because I like to avoid awkwardness since we probably are only friends in name.

So I don't know how exactly people in my life are classified. Some will unmistakingly enjoy privelges not open to others without even knowing why, some might attempt to get close to me without a single improvement in months.

Hmmz. All I can say is, too bad. Haha =)

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