Friday, February 18, 2011

I'm sure, whichever part of the world you currently live in, you would have seen fallen leaves before. Or rather the motion of how an orange-red leaf glides in the air towards the floor in autumn or a brown leaf swaying its way towards the earth. Unless you live in the desert.

Usually, with a brush of the wind, the slight pressure applied causes the already loose leaf to drop off, its graceful movement through the air sometimes brings lots of sentiments to people, for it is slow, not rushed, graceful and seemingly relaxing.

Have you then, ever seen the wave the very same leaf fall, when it is raining?

Amazingly, at least to me, the water droplets that fall from the sky does not affect the falling of the leaf as much as I thought, or imagined. Instead of getting lop-sided due to the weight of the water droplets, it falls probably just as gracefully.

Either that, or spins non-stop.

I don't know much about rain, but one thing I'm sure of is, the water droplets in one area don't fall all at once. Given that, the leaf should have been hit in different rates at different locations.

Yet it remains aloof and graceful. How?

Why can't we be like the leaf? In life, you have no idea what crap it might throw at you, or hit you with, yet if we are what we are supposed to be, then no matter when the hit, at where, we continue our journey, seemingly undisturbed.

At the same time, if we lop-sided, each and every hit in life would turn us around, make us wonder, and in the long run, just like the leaf that spins in the rain. It never ever gets to stop, has no peace in life, for nothing helps its descend with no drag and eah hit seemcs to just continue spinning it.

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