Thursday, January 16, 2014

How does tears flow backwards into nothingness again?

Well I know when my eyes water, and vision blurs, its due to the release of tears by the tear glands. In a way I've always imagined it as a secretion of liquids by just another gland. Even the switch on this one is so emotional.

So then how are we able to 'suck' those tears of ours back? I've certainly experienced it a few times, like how tears were on the brink of falling, of leaving my eyes and somehow, but tilting back my head and closing my eyes for a few seconds, I could will them back.

All the way back as if they never existed.

Of course in reality they did. And if my original idea that the gland released liquid, it shouldn't, in theory be able to take it back, it should be like spilled milk, since glands only release and does not absorb (as far as I know).

So how does such an incredible miracle happen? How can we reel those drops of emotions and feelings back to where they were from and act like they never existed?

Maybe one day I'll find out from a tears scientist. If they actually exist. Hah.

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