Thursday, June 07, 2007

Class Chalet

basically, if you glanced through some people's blog, you'll have a pretty good sense about how the class chalet is, so, i shall not talk much about it either. But since this post is titled 'Class Chatlet', i guess i just have to write something. And i assure you, its definitely not what others have wrote. Okay, maybe thats abit impossible, WHATEVER.
But first thing first, i wanna thank the people, who witness it. Yes! That incident. I really must thank you all, none for you, as far as i know, wrote about it, and that to me, is a great form of respect. And so i thank you. But well, i guessed that many of the people actually realised how 'good' my acting is. Although it was full of holes can? I tried to act my usual acting style, cracking jokes that aren't really funny.(i know they are not funnty can?) But seriously la, the trickling drops of liquid seriously irritated me la. And when im really irritated by them, i just can't seem to act 'normal'. Kept scolding people for little things that they do wrong, sometimes, they didn't even do it wrongly, just went scolding and scolding, maybe everyone just thought it was 'normal' but it seriously wasn't and i sincerely believed some people saw through the acting. Sharp people i don't dare to underestimate. But now, my leg is still hurting la, i injured it 2 days before the class chalet. The worst thing is, i dun know how i even injured it. And its the right leg. And its really very 'fun' la, when you're injured and you do sports, the leg will give a very different sensation, seriously, but its sometimes painful though. I sincerely believed no one saw through the acting of the leg, i went on playing badminton, i went on cycling and i went on enduring the cramps every morning, perhaps people in the chalet thought i was just 'posing' when im awake on the bed clutching my legs. But they seriously do hurt. Every morning.

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