Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Common test!

Sorry for not being able to blog for so long! But well, here i am! Hahaha.

Common test started and well, its pretty 'smooth' sailing so far! English was quite okay. It seems that ever since i joined this english class, my results were improving! Yay.

Don't know is the teacher damn zai or I've become more hardworking. Or perhaps the environment has become so much more conducive. But well, I've improved, and thats good news! Haha.

Chinese today was quite a killer paper. Though some people went 'so easy'... Maybe their chinese standard damn high. I'll just have to wait for the papers to arrive back. But i won't fail anyway. I hope =P.

Tomorrow's maths and I'm like multi-tasking now by studying and blogging! I'm zaiededed.
Currently at question 6 of revision excerise 2!

I think I'll stop when i finish qn 12!

Chinese New Year has passed. Some quite sad things, a few happy ones. I think I'll share the happy ones, its long since my posts are nice and happy ones. This post shall be one! I shall not put any too sad here.

I won $12 is blackjack!! Woo!! First time win so much sia! I'm like so so so happy. But its during thursday, so the joy kind of died off >.< Haha.

AngBao money is something almost everyone look forward to. Someone people get to keep the money inside, some get to 'donate' their money to their parents, while some just prefer to save it into the bank prevent it from being anyhow used. Most of the time, the last option is those with less self-control OR parents forced.

Doesn't really matter much to me actually, since the amount i got was like, relatively pathetic. BUTBUTBUT!!! I am still glad i got AngBao in the first place!

-anti christ people skip this part please-
I got listen in chapel de okay? That time that session i remembered that the pastoral staff was speaking about a story that Jesus shared. I think its known as a gospel. The story was a simple one that caused people to have a first impression that unfairness is present until we think a little further.

The story is about a rich landlord who went to the market and brought unemployed people doing nothing to his vineyard and work for a day for $1(the currency i forgot is what liao, sorry arh). In different hours, he brought people to his vineyard, from time such as 9am, to 5pm, he called people into the vineyard to work for him. When the workers ended their day and collected their pay at 6pm, the landlord's servant gave the men the pay starting from the last batch to the first.

The landlord paid the men all $1 each. When the first batch of men saw, they thought that would mean that they would be paid more. However, when their turn came, they were paid just $1 too! Obviously they were unhappy, felt unfair.

Just like me. Haha.

But when Jesus explained the story, his point was that, the workers, regardless of first batch or last, did not have any job to began with. They should be happy that they have work instead of grumbling.
-end of story, anti christ people may return-

So I'm just glad that i have AngBao rather than how many there is inside! Whoo, long story to explain a brief point. Hahahah.

I'm at question 9 now!!! Whoo, I'm going to be done too!

The trip to Tan Lip Sing's house was quite cool. Felt a little underdressed and the bag totally spoiled the whole image. Haha. But well, I've always felt underdressed anyway. Hahaha.

Ate lunch, fooled around with the bigbigbig Winnie the Pooh soft toy in his house, chatted, took pictures before going off.

The original plan was to go gambling at xavier's house but well, some things cropped up, on my side, and the plan was changed to GREGORY'S house. 3rd or 4th time there. Still quite fun except this time the people going were relatively strangers. If i am not wrong, other than me, all first-timers. Haha.

Had fun with the PS2 after all, played soccer after all, got trashed after all. Hahaha. Usual routine la. Guys playing soccer in real life and on tv consoles, and i always get trashed. Haha. Well, for the fun! Haha.

Valentine's coming up this Thursday! Wonder how many people already started preparing gifts.

Heard that terence is joining the club! Hahahahah =P. Girls don't ba gua, guys, know it, good for you, don't know never mind =P.

Its still chinese new year this saturday! Go get more AngBaos!!!

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