Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Had my luxury sleep.

What would have happened if I didn't? I'm trying as hard as I could to rest my body and mind, I want to pay attention in class. All that happens is never ending dreams of cyanide. Nightmares, and more nightmares.

I ain't even sleeping at night. But they still come anyway.

Feeling down and needing a listening ear. Should I trust more people? It ain't fail for the one or two that I trust to forever be avaliable to be there to listen to me. I'm selfish and I don't like it.

Teachers are going to be getting on my case. One by one? Or all that a time? I tried to not sleep in class already. Broke the record when I fell asleep anyway with sweets in my mouth. Luckily I didn't choke to death.

I just, like I knew a few years ago, am not a good student.

To my beloved teachers, I honestly have nothing particular against any of you, I still love you people, I don't wanna see you guys disappointed, so don't expect much of me in the first place.

After all, the only way to never be hurt by anyone or anything, is to seal yourself off to the world. Live in a bottle.

I'm sorry if I made anyone reading this extremely sad.

I just can't. Lie to you. No matter how much I wanted to.

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