Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

Irregular blogging again. Sorry arh sorry arh. Didn't really have the mood to blog. Nothing much really happened anyway. So well...

New Year's here and one thing i believe many will do is to have new year resolutions. Personally, i don't believe in new year resolutions. Not that i don't have targets, just that they change according to what happens.

For example, for 2007, my new year resolution was to pass all subjects. Because I never ever passed all subjects during lower secondary(thanks to the art). Then later i found out that, hmmz, it is very possible to pass all subjects, my target becomes a easily achievable one.

Having easily achievable targets is equivalent to slacking. Depends on how nice or nasty you want to be. Then you'll see that you will need to change your targets sometimes here and there. If you find that you keep changing targets, there's two main possibilities.

1- You're too slack, the targets are all easily achievable ones and you need to keep changing so that you won't feel so slack

2- You're too ambitious, the targets are too hard for you currently, maybe if you try harder for a few years you would be able to reach it, but for this year only. No way. So you keep changing the targets to a lower and more acceptable level.

I wouldn't recommend having the first one because i think that you would get lost sooner or later. Targets cannot keep changing, a frequent change is disastrous. 4 changes a year in my opinion is frequent.

Being ambitious isn't a bad thing. It all depends on the extent of the ambition. I'm sure most people would be able to understand why and hence i shall not elaborate.

So new year, new hope. With hope, humans would be able to live more happily. So its alright to just have hope, hope for this hope for that. But of course, there are side-effects known as 'depression'. So well, be careful what you hope for =P.

And for people who are hoping for more gossip, please don't come to me. Thank you. I have no gossip to tell you, even if i do i won't tell you. So please, stay off my back. Don't say i didn't warn you =P.


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