Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The day before the carnival.

Morning started and biology lesson came first. Thanks to the super long assembly, we didn't have our biology lesson in our proper classrooms but instead in the hall! Don't waste time walk back to classroom mah... Or not reach liao bell ring le, nothing to say liao.

Mr david tan!!! Why you haven't mark our common test paper... It is of utmost importance to me luh... My 'fate' depends on it!!! Don't liddat please... Please be extra hardworking for my sake luhhh.

Was asked to scout whether any of the computer labs were avaliable during english class. When only 1 is avaliable, i was asked to stay there till the teacher arrived with the class. End up, so damn long still haven't come... So i returned to class instead lor. And in the end, we didn't even go... If i stay there until the teacher come arh... I die liao lah, whole day stand there le lor.

Miss PL still haven't return us our test >.< Cause lewis haven't take it yet... Sad luh. I think give lewis the average mark also higher than what he get himself arh =P(jkjk). Chinese lesson was funny lah... Teacher demostrated that guys , when being goalkeepers, will always crouch down and put their hands out... However, ladies will just stand there and put their hands out. Reason? Ladies will protect their 'na'(breasts) While guys will protect their 'lam pa'(penis)... Lol, kept the whole class laughing lah.

Was showed the results of our class test although we didn't get back our test paper. Got a 75%!!! I am just so happy!!! Over the moon... Was stuck during ss cause we didn't have our piece of paper. Think with lewis bah... End up down there slack... And MC ran into some problems with J.H ...

Didn't go home due to the night class i have... So slack in school... Went up to the snooker room to play play. Then realised really damn lousy nowadays, can't the ball just go into the pocket?!?!?! Haiz. JiaQi & JuinLi came up!!! Hurray! Lol. Since they had night classes too =P. And like me, they were slacking in school too. And i found my consolation when i see the way they play =P. I managed to survive through her scratches =P.

After a seemingly long period of time in the snooker room. We went down when it was time to return the key. And the security was like saying, "If i had a choice, i'd rather keep these guys(pointing to me). Because they at least act pro abit, although everytime compeition go, come back lose wan."

So went to buy bbt with them even though i was like the only guy? Anyway had 1 more hour to go ma... Might as well... Right? And JuinLi forgot her mindmaps... So we ended up doing FOR HER. I am such a nice guy =P.

Night class is COOL. Its like, though we're kinda half-asleep... We still kinda was awake thanks to the notes we're supposed to copy... You can't be sleeping if you're gonna copy notes right? Right! Ended up going home a little early than i thought... Because the teacher, apparently taught everything in such a short time... And she had her boy to take care of... So we didn't want to pull down her time anyway...

Shattered and shattering, Death but dying.

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