Monday, December 10, 2007


Hmm. So saw the horoscope thingy on jiaqi's blog and decided to try it too. And btw, its TOTALLY based on horoscope ONLY. So don't bother typing out your name or trying different birth dates if its in the same sign.

Well, i must say, its pretty accurate for me. In fact, as far as i know, all the horoscopes that are generated seem to apply to be pretty much accurately. Maybe I'm the super predictable guy? Hahaha.

Lets101 Quizzes - Quizzes For Fun

SO. As you can see, it reads EXTREMELY adorable. Which i disagree. However, I'm also EXTREMELY intelligent. Which i feel a bit embarrassed about since I'm not THAT clever. Just a little clever =P.

Loves to joke, meaning humorous, is obviously true. Since I'm forever joking. Okay maybe not forever, but well, you get the point. I hope?

Energetic. Erm, as for this. I tend to disagree. Because i ain't high all the time. So not really energetic. Plus, I've got a very lousy stamina. Which is why i never ever engages in sports for too long. But well snooker, IT NOT STRENUOUS!

For predicting future. Its kind of a half half. Yes i do try all the time. But i do not succeed all the time. Mostly i do though. But well, they never ever turn out the way i wanted it even if i expected it. So i would give this a half half!

GREAT kisser is definitely an unknown. I still got my virgin kiss =P. So I won't know if I'm GREAT at it =P.

Always get what they want is most of the time not true. Because I'm a very unlucky guy... Well, so...

Attractive is not for me to comment and easy going can be a little hard at times. If you know me well, i do actually make things difficult for people that i seriously don't like. So easy going might not suit me that much. Plus, i am very anti-social when they are people I'm not comfortable with around. So...

Love those who love them is a definitely. I don't reject people, as much as i can. So this part is true!

Talkative is 100% true while romantic is not for me to comment either. I sort of think that I'm kind of boring to be with actually...

Brave and fearless is 60% untrue because i do fear a lot of things and i am not giving examples. Brave is not a word to describe because i never ever wants to face the music, which is where brave is not applicable.

Loves to take things at the center is true. But i don't know how to apply or explain. Haha =P.

Inner beauty is erm, not really and physical beauty is a definitely NO. So i guess this one is ruled false too!

Lies but doesn't pretend is definitely true. Its the same as, never telling the truth yet always sincere. It applies please =P.

Very passionate and dangerous. I don't know how do you consider 'passionate' so i think that isn't really true and dangerous. Hmmz... Maybe when you step on my tail? Not literally by the way.

Wild at times. Eh, TRUE! But the people around me will have to be wild also la. I can go crazy. More than once a day!!! Hahaha =P.

Playful but secretive. Now is this one of the truest statements. If you think that I'm not playful, i can tell you to go and die. As for secretive... Hehe...

Very emotional and temperamental sometimes. Firstly, my english vocabulary doesn't allow me to understand the meaning of temperamental. So i shall not comment on that. Emotional is erm, quite true i think cause people always come and "Why so emo?" me.

Can hold their own. This means independent right? I'm pretty independent! Believe it or not =P.

Stands out in a crowd. Now this is damn funny. OF COURSE I STANDS OUT IN A CROWD. The crowd is mostly shorter than me. SO OF COURSE I STAND OUT!!! Hahahaha.

Essentially very smart. Lols. Of course =P.

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