Monday, October 08, 2007

Worst Paper ever.

A maths paper.
Shit you.

Today is really a bad day. Firstly, i got nagged because i woke up at 6.30am. Then skipping breakfast, went down the stupid bus and sat. Then the previous bus was gone damn long ago, so damn lot of people on this current one. So damn stuffy somemore >.<

Went to the bus interchange. Shitty bus so long also haven't come. Waited from 6.55am all the way to 7.10am. Make me late. Shit you bus! Normally also not so long. Today really damn suay >.<

So pretty inexperienced since i the last time i was late was like 1year&half ago. Then i had no idea whatsoever what i was supposed to do, but since the councilor handed me the movement form, i write my name and whatever lor. Then i was stuck at the date, so ask the councilor, THEN HE TOOK AWAY MY MOVEMENT FORM! Lol... Was that the usual procedure? I don't know sia. Inexperienced.

Went to run the 20 rounds. We were supposed to RUN. And NOT ALLOWED to OVERTAKE people. End up, the sec 2 girls in front of me were WALKING. And the councilor shouted walking means 5 MORE ROUNDS! And i have to walk with them -.-(remember? cannot overtake...) Then end up, i was supposed to also run another 5 rounds -.-

But then the second time when he said that(because the ladies still refused to run) i straightaway overtake and ran my twenty. And i was not scolded... So much for no overtaking -.-

With a shirt full of perspiration, i walked up the exam hall with my pencil box until i realized a horror. My calculator is hibernating in my study room -.- Siao liao. A-maths paper no calculator equals to straightaway fail. No difference. So i made the crazy decision of facing it since logic tells me no one would bring an extra. I thought i would be a genius if i passed without a calculator. Lol.

Logic failed. Sze Hoe had an extra so i borrowed. And crappily, both his calculators were borrowed, one from shirleen, another from jielin. He claimed that he want to fa hua chi with that 2 calculators in the exam hall -.-

Saw the paper. Did the paper. Stuck at so many questions that i cannot believe it. I was basically doing question 3, then after 10 minutes of thinking, i came up with no solution(because i forgot the formula or something...) so i left the whole page blank in case i need to come back and do later after i finished the paper. Same 'stuckness' with question 4 and 5. End up having 3 blank pages of foolscap -.-

Honestly disastrous. Sorry for the people around me. Namely, Budiman, MingChuen, JuinLi, Derek. Sorry for bearing with my curses. I know i was shouting '!@#$%^&' at the paper all along. If i disturbed anyone of you, i sincerely apologise here. Luckily no teachers heard me =P.

Calculated the marks i lost at the end of the paper. 40 marks. And i didn't even include those questions that i didn't complete. So if i passed, there could only be a few reasons. Let me name them out for you.
1. I am a genius
2. A miracle happened
3. God took pity on me
4. The marker is blind

Hopeless. Never felt as hopeless as this before, as in for a paper. Even english cannot make this hopeless. Haiz. Fail a maths. 自作孽不可饶。 Should have just study harder. Haiz.................


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